
Summed up.

If you put it all together, this is what my Thanksgiving would look like, through the eyes of my iPhone. I’m still a little sore/sick/worn out and work Black Friday tomorrow, so the low key family time was a perfect way to celebrate without using so much energy that I can’t deal with the crazy bargain hunters in the morning.

Also, I know this makes me crazy, but toddlers are seriously my favorite age. I miss teaching preschool and kinder babies more than I ever imagined I would, so spending time with my nephew was the best. He’s finally at the age where he says absolutely hilarious stuff, and has the biggest personality behind it, which makes it even funnier.  If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve heard these, but they had me laughing the whole night.  Background, you need to know he was playing video games with my brother when he said most of these.

“I’m a little too embarrassed by the Cowboys to watch them play right now”

“I’m playing better than the Cowboys!”

“Uh. Why WOULDN’T I be wearing a football helmet to play?”

“I’m really good. You’re really not.”

“I’m too good to do a victory dance. That’s for losers.'”

“My little sister hates people. I like people, but I get nervous too.”

“I’m going to eat your head! You ate ALL the pie!”

“I work tomorrow 7-53. Who cares?”

“Hulk rips his shirt off so you can see his nipples”

“We need one or two more of me.”

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