
This is just where we’re at right now


2012-11-15 001 032

Please tell me who decided it was a good idea to have an exam one week, then a cumulative final a week and a half later?

2012-11-15 001 029

Because whoever they are, I blame them for my schedule looking like this next week.



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And for poor Toby trying to sneak in all the naps he can in order to stay awake all night with me and cram.



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2012-11-15 001 023

Go have fun for me this weekend, I have a manuscript, and three exams to study for.

P.S. If you really want to honor me, go eat a bunch of cupcakes and play bingo. That’s what I should be doing right now.


Unknown said...

You can do it! Get it, girl. It'll all be over eventually! :)

z said...

Good luck on your exams!
New follower :)


elise said...

good luck lady! I'm sure you are going to rock it all!